Rožšíření laboratorní vybavení společnosti
MCB Lab s.r.o.
Číslo projektu - 22/SML2669/SoPD/PIT
Using extracts and active complexes, it seeks to target chronic skin problems, skin aging and mitigate the effects of environmental pollution on the body's skin.
The research includes collaboration with universities, especially with the CENAB research centre (UJEP - CZ).
By developing the knowledge of ourselves, we can best achieve the understanding of many causes and problems that are caused by our modern lifestyle.
Our goal is not to change the body, but to harmonize our own physiological processes with the surrounding world and our own lifestyle.
We use only premium BIO certified organic producers for extraction. Meeting the strict quality on raw materials according to EMA, FDA. And the producers meet the pharmacopoeial criteria and requisites.
When extracting our active complexes, we follow the motto don't put on your skin what you wouldn't put in your mouth. The skin is one big organ that interacts with the environment. And we should be aware of this when applying external substances to the skin.